About Me

Robyn Ryle started life in one small town in Kentucky and ended up in another just down the river in Indiana. In between, she got her undergraduate degree at Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi, and her Ph.D. at Indiana-University, Bloomington. She teaches sociology at a small liberal arts college when she’s not writing. Her non-fiction book, SHE/HE/THEY/ME, is forthcoming from Sourcebooks in March 2019. SHE/HE/THEY/ME takes an intersectional approach to gender, allowing the reader to wander through different pathways based on how they answer questions about gender and sexuality. She also has stories and essays in CALYX Journal, StorySouth, Gawker, Little Fiction/Big Truths and Whiskeypaper, among others. Her sociology of gender textbook, Questioning Gender: A Sociological Exploration, is in its third edition and has been translated into other languages. She speaks nationally on topics related to place-making, community and gender.