SheWrites Blogger Ball Redux

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I’m a little late, but this is a blog hop sponsored by Meg at 1st Books.  You can also check it out by joining SheWrites, a great resource for bloggers and writers of all varieties.  Add your link at 1st Books and then introduce yourself.

I’ve been on blogger for a while, but blogging seriously only since November of last year.  That coincides eerily with the beginning of my sabbatical from teaching at a small liberal arts college.  I love blogging about books, my beloved small town, and all things sociological.  My blog’s called You Think Too Much, because I’ve heard that from time to time, and while it is possible to become obsessive in your thinking, I believe that thinking a  lot is also a sign of a curious and passionate engagement with the world around you, and that is not a bad thing.  I’ve written a sociology of gender textbook, something I never thought I would do or could do for that matter, but managed to churn out 546 wonking pages!

My regular features include Madison Monday, where I share what’s going on around town and ruminate on small town life in general and Twofer Book Reviews, where I randomly pair together two books for a comparitive review (more fun than it sounds).

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Hi stopping over from the blog hop. I really enjoyed reading your posts especially your bad guy you love to hate post.
    Have a wonderful day!

  2. Love the title of your blog! Great to 'meet' you, Robyn.

  3. You squeezed in as the door was closing! This is definitely my kind of blog – books but lots of other good things besides.

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