So there's life before you've tasted a macaron and life after you've tasted a macaron. I discovered this last November in Savannah, which seems an entirely appropriate place to cross the great macaron divide. I had heard talk of macarons, mostly from … [Read more...]
Things I love: my desk
Sometimes the world seems like an eternal crap-storm and there's absolutely nothing we can do to make it better. Sometimes the days stretch out empty and you have no idea how to fill them. Sometimes you can glimpse happiness around the corner, like … [Read more...]
Key West, Day One
How do you travel and what do you travel for? When I was younger, I thought traveling would make me happy. Then I realized you take yourself with you wherever you go. It's harder than you think to leave misery at home, so best to get rid of the … [Read more...]
Quest for the perfect baguette: part one
I'm on the quest for the perfect make-at-home, without a professional bakery oven, baguette recipe. What I've been using is a bread machine recipe, which is okay. I've figured out how to make the crust nice and brown by squirting water into the oven. … [Read more...]
Key West, Thursday
Some good things we've eaten (and drank) so far: - Everything at 2 Cent, but especially the caramelized brussel sprouts with pecans and cranberries. Also, some roasted peppers in a balsamic reduction. Simple, but delicious. This is our second time … [Read more...]
Key West, Wednesday
Key West in the morning is a busy place. A noisy place. Street sweepers. Leaf blowers. Garbage trucks. Some huge utility vehicle whose purpose seems to be cleaning out the sewers. It is a place and places can be noisy. There are things to be done, … [Read more...]
This is a test
This is a test of whether I can write blog posts on my iPad. I'm leaving for Key West Monday morning (assuming it stops snowing/icing/freezing long enough for that to happen). I was thinking I want to blog from Key West, because that seems right, … [Read more...]
Sometimes in February…
Sometimes in February, I lose it. I find myself sitting at our dining room table, eating a perfectly nice meal with my lovely husband, unable to stop crying. Or for a week in a row, I wake up every morning and seize on the ugliest thought I can … [Read more...]
Random Thoughts
- I walked to Kentucky last week, my first time on the new pedestrian path. I'm working on a story where someone has to cross the bridge and it was interesting to contrast what I imagined it would be like up there as opposed to what it was really … [Read more...]
A night at the game
- We sat behind home plate, and things look different back there. From that angle, sometimes even I can tell the difference between a ball and a strike before the umpire makes the call. - From where we sat, you could see some of the … [Read more...]