Me and my iPhone: the metaphysics of gadgets

It wasn’t until half an hour later, as my husband and I were drinking chianti at the Macaroni Grill, that I could identify the source of my lingering anxiety–they had taken my iPhone away.  It’s true, they had given me a new one in return.  And … [Read more...]

The end of the term

As I posted on Facebook earlier this week, “Dear god, why isn’t this semester over yet?”These last two weeks are the hardest time of the year, comparable only to the last two weeks of the whole academic year in the spring.  But the two weeks in May … [Read more...]

A list of things that will not be different tomorrow, no matter who wins….

Okay, I said I wouldn’t write about the election, but I lied.  This post is mostly about providing some comfort for myself, but here’s hoping it provides you some comfort, too. Things that will not be any different tomorrow, either way: 1.  The sun … [Read more...]

My many states of limbo

This is at least the third post I have started this week, with no success as of yet in completing something that seemed good enough to go public.  Writing experts will tell you that nothing you write is a waste, so perhaps someday the scraps of those … [Read more...]

Doing nothing on Taylorsville Lake

A picture of doing nothingOne of the hardest things in life is to do nothing.  In today’s society, it is an act of defiance, a bold declaration liable to earn you one of the worse labels any American could be saddled with–lazy.  Once upon a time we … [Read more...]

The big, upright bass in our living room

Yesterday I came home from my physical therapy appointment at Rivertown Chiropractic (which I highly recommend if you have any physical therapy type-needs) and my husband said, “I need to borrow your car.”  An innocent enough request.  When I asked … [Read more...]

Random Thoughts for the End of July

It feels like the waning end of summer here in Madison, even though it’s not even officially August yet.  Our step-daughter goes back to school in just two weeks, and I find myself jealous for what summer felt like before adulthood and the pressing … [Read more...]

Sunday Salon: Random ramblings

It’s been an exciting week in the You Think Too Much household. Last week, hours away from the kick-off of the Bengals/Steelers game, our flat screen television was fried by random electrical surges. The good folks at the power company came and fixed … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

This Wordless Wednesday is a picture of a sculpture by Armando Marino called The Raft, exhibited outside 21c Museum and Hotel in Louisville, Kentucky.  This is part of their larger exhibit, Cuba Now.The Raft represents the economic hardships faced … [Read more...]

My latest knitting projects

They look sweet when they're not messingwith your yarnI've been doing a lot of reading this week, surprisingly given that it's our second week back in the classroom, which means grading is just beginning to kick in.  I finished The Hundred Thousand … [Read more...]