Saturday Snapshot: A ‘mater for my mater

I promised Jennifer at Books, Personally that I would post a picture of my amigurumi tomato, so here it is in all its splendor.  After I finally got past the 4 stitch cast on with douple-pointed needles, it was a breeze.  My mom's a farmer, gardener, … [Read more...]

Stylish Blog Award

Thanks so much to Jennifer O. over at Lit Endeavors for giving me the Stylish Blog Award. What great company to be in, and check out some of the other blogs she picked here, as well as her great blog.I always think finding blogs to pass the award … [Read more...]

Wordless Wednesday

Check out other pics at Wordless Wednesday! … [Read more...]

Blog In Place: A new blog for those who love place (round two)

I was going to start this new blog hop last week, but there were some gliches and bugs to work out.  Here's hoping second time's the charm!Those of you familiar with my blog may know that on Monday’s I like to write about my beautiful hometown of … [Read more...]

Coming Soon: Blog In Place Blog Hop

Happy weekend, bloggers!  It's been a busy week, and so I've been neglecting to post much, but wanted to let everyone know that the final kinks are being worked out of my new blog hop, Blog In Place, and it will make its debut this Sunday.  This new … [Read more...]

Sunday Salon: How not to start a new blog hop

I like to think of Easter as a celebration of new beginnings, spring being one of the ultimate new beginnings.  Here's my funny story of an aborted (or delayed) new beginning.Yesterday was another rainy day here in southern Indiana. A wet spring … [Read more...]

Saturday Snapshot: April 16th

The Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce at At Home With Books.  Photos can be old or new, and be of any subject as long as they are clean and appropriate for all eyes to see. How much detail you give in the caption is entirely up to you. Please … [Read more...]

Sunday Salon: Gone shellin’

Happy, happy Sunday and first day of spring to everyone! After about 2 straight weeks of snot, sneezing, sore throat, achiness and generally crappy health, and a winter characterized by brief periods of health bookended by various bouts with disease, … [Read more...]

One Lovely Blog Award

Thanks so much to Kathmeista at [Insert suitably snappy title here] for giving me this One Lovely Blog Award, my first ever award (that’s something). It coincides nicely with me recently getting to 50-plus (plus by at least 3) followers. Woo-hoo, for … [Read more...]