Madison Monday: Bridge Demolition, Part 2

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Things overheard while waiting for the second section of the Milton-Madison bridge to be demolished:

“Is the that fifteen minute siren or the ten minute siren?”

Milton-Madison Bridge“I hope they don’t blow up the new bridge by mistake.”

“He bites.”


“Was that the five minute siren?”

“Was that the siren?”

“They’re going to slide the new bridge over to where the old bridge was. That’s what I’d like to be here to see.”

“Look at that kid throwing rocks at the duck.”




“Let’s get this over.”

“How far is it to Louisville from here?”

“Boom! Boom! Boom! And then it’ll be over.”

“Is that one minute?”

“That bird better get out of the way.”

“There it goes.”


Check out my footage here. Less cursing, more giggling this time.

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