If you’re like me, at some point you’ve looked at a building in downtown Madison and thought, “I wonder what the upstairs looks like.” For the first time this October, you’ll get a chance to find out through the Madison Main Street Loft Tour. It’s what’s up with downtown. The tour happens on Saturday, October 3, from 10-4 pm.
You might think of the space above the first floors in downtown Madison as our great under-utilized resource. Converted into apartments, the second story can allow business owners to generate helpful extra income from rent. Both baby boomers and Millenials are increasingly attracted to walkable communities, and nothing says walkable like a second-story apartment, where you can literally walk downstairs and find yourself in the middle of restaurants and shops. Second and third stories also make great spaces for businesses that have a little less need for front-window appeal–service providers like law offices, real estate agents, consultants, tech companies, etc. Really, the possibilities are endless.
The Main Street Loft Tour gives folks the opportunity to take a look-see at second and third stories at varying stages of renovation and repair. Some spaces are raw and undeveloped while others are fully and luxuriously finished. The tour takes place on the same weekend as Hanover College’s homecoming, so hopefully parents and alums will take advantage of the chance to enjoy a different view of Madison.
Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Village Lights Bookstore or from me (robynryle at gmail dot com).
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