-This is a picture of the sweater I was supposed to finish knitting early this winter, so I would not be forced to wear the same sweaters over and over again. You can also see the picture of what this sweater actually looks like at this point. Maybe it’s halfway done. But not much knitting has happened. I have no excuse. I’ve been stuck indoors plenty and I can’t tell you what I’ve done with all my time. Just that it was not knitting this sweater.
– Visit Madison sponsored a snow sculpture contest in Bicentennial Park on Saturday. No, I did not venture down to check out the entries because I am deadly sick of snow. Still, lovely idea.
– I just re-read Louise Erdrich’s novel, The Last Report of the Miracle at Little No Horse, for our introduction to gender studies course. And finished grading their first papers, which were very good. I’m thinking there might be a correlation between intelligence and interest in gender. That is, the students in an introduction to gender studies course are smarter than average for the student population. This theory makes perfect sense to me.
– Next Monday, the high in Key West, Florida will be 78, and thankfully, that is where I will be. Assuming the next snowpacolypse doesn’t hit and strand us again in Atlanta.
– I’m a little obsessed with the HBO show, True Detective. I like to think of it as Waiting for Godot with serial killers and cops. But I’ve been wondering lately, could you write a show like that with women as the two lead characters? How would it be different? Could Woody Harrelson’s character be a philandering woman and his husband the nagging spouse? Or would it all just become nonsensical? We all know that women are underrepresented in movies and on television. How do we make really, really good shows and movies with women in the lead?
– Pitchers and catchers reported this week. That’s the best sign that spring is coming I can give you. That, and the fact that perhaps the rain today will melt away some of the massive snow mountains around town, though as I post this, the temperature is still in the 20s.
– I have a short story about baseball that has now been rejected 16 times. I don’t know if that’s bragging or not, but I’m not giving up. I guess it is and it isn’t about baseball. Some folks who read it said they liked it because it was not really about baseball. I’ve always thought of baseball as a very literary sort of topic, but now I’m beginning to wonder if I’m wrong. I was a tiny child during the era of the Big Red Machine; my husband says I can’t possibly have memories of those years. But I know the way I feel about Johnny Bench. He is like an old friend of the family. His poster hung in my sister’s room. For most of my childhood, we went to at least one Reds’ game very year. I remember watching Eric Davis blow bubbles in the outfield. I swear I was there the day Deion Sanders missed the fly ball and it hit him in the head (maybe it happened more than once). There are few things I find more comforting than the sound of a baseball game on the radio and I guess that’s what I tried to write about. You start to wonder how many rejections are too many. I don’t know the answer to that, so I’ll keep on trying.
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