Madison Monday: seeds in the ground

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There may be snow, but that didn’t keep me from putting a few seeds in the ground this weekend. I got out there Saturday, before the temperatures plummeted and the snow started falling. We have a raised bed in the backyard, and one of the advantages is that the soil in a raised bed warms a little sooner than the dirt around it. Even if you don’t have a raised bed, by mid-March there are plenty of cold crop vegetables you (in theory) can plant. Here’s a link to the Purdue planting guide, if you’d like to check it out.

seedsI planted spinach, chard, beets, Italian flat-leaf parsley, arugula and some lettuces. These are all nestled now under a nice little blanket of snow.

It was something of a blow yesterday, seeing the big, thick flakes falling to the ground again. You hoped that nothing much was going to come of it, but hope sometimes isn’t enough in the face of Mother Nature.

It was a comfort all day to think that, despite the snow, there are things in the ground now. It’s a tenuous thing, to plant a seed. There’s always a chance that something will go wrong. So I’m amazed every time when despite my own ineptitude and the elements and everything that seems to be working against life, something green pokes its head out of the ground. That, too, is Mother Nature. That persistent reaching towards the light and the warmth.

I won’t go out and check today to see if any seeds are up, but soon. Soon.

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