Six Signs of Spring: River Roots Music and Folk Arts Festival

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Bicentennial Park

Bicentennial Park, where the River Roots festival will be in May

Well, the snow is gone and the sun is shining, but it certainly isn’t spring yet. Yesterday, I believe it was too cold for even the college students to wear shorts, but do not lose faith. Think of May. Think of music. Think of beer.

My 5th Sign of Spring is that wristbands for the River Roots Music and Folk Festival are officially on sale. In the worst parts of winter, when I can barely stand to stick my little toe out from under the blanket, I think of folk festival (I’m sorry, I just don’t know if I’ll ever stop calling it that). I think of sitting in a camp chair under the sun, watching the barges go by, a quality craft brewed beer in my hand, listening to music. If there is a heaven, for me it will look like Bicentennial Park during the third weekend of May.

The line-up this year is, as always, exciting. The Carolina Chocolate Drops will be returning, as well as Appalatin, a crowd favorite from last year. New acts include Ben Sollee, the bike-riding cellist, and Stacy Earle.

There is also beer, performing minstrels, and crafts. Mostly there is the fact that it’s warm enough at last to sit outside, and River Roots is the perfect venue for enjoying it. It’s closer than you think, so get your wristbands now. You can buy them online or at any of the following locations.

  • Boneyard Grill
  • joeyg’s
  • Madison Apothecary
  • MainSource Bank
  • River Valley Financial Bank
  • Thomas Family Winery
  • Village Lights Bookstore
  • The Barbershop on Main St.
  • Cruisin’ Auto
  • Madison Area Chamber of Commerce
  • Madison Music
  • Riverboat Inn
  • The Rivers Institute at Hanover College

You can also follow the festival on Facebook or Twitter.  If you want a sampling of the festival experience, check out some of my posts from the past:

Madison Monday:  River Roots Finale (May 21, 2012)

River Roots, Day Two (May 20, 2012)

River Roots, Day One (May 19, 2012)

Madison Monday:  Gearing up for River Roots (May 15, 2012)

Madison Monday:  The 6th Annual Ohio River Valley Folk Festival (May 23, 2011)

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