Week of Winter Walking: Day Three

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The river at sunrise or early morning – nearly every morning. It’s never the same walk by the same river even though I pass the same trees. I will often chant while walking to keep my mind quiet so I can actually enjoy the walk rather than rushing through my day in my head or think about some perceived worry or problem. If I chant, I see and hear. If I think, I miss everything. Quite often, especially in winter, I never see another person. The river is good any time of day.

cherry tree on Ohio

Cherry tree along the river

If you missed it on Sunday, this was my friend Jenny’s lovely comment about her favorite place to walk–the river. This morning I took advantage of a small break in the rain to take a quick walk along the river. I still didn’t make it without getting a little bit wet, but the river is always worth it.

This morning, the birds were out in profusion, and especially the robin’s. My memory tells me that when I was young, seeing the first robin meant spring was on its way. But now the robin’s don’t ever seem to leave; I spot them all year round. This means that either my memory is crap or robins don’t all migrate in the winter anymore. On the other hand, I did spot some daffodils very close to blooming.

Like the ocean, the river changes color in different weather and depending on what’s happening upstream. When I started my walk this morning, it was a kind of unassuming grey. But as the rain picked up, it turned greenish.

Along the river walk in Madison, there’s a row of cherry trees planted by local manufacturer, Arvin Sango. These trees are certainly beautiful in the spring, but also in the winter when the twisting shapes of their branches are revealed, outlined against the river.

daffodils about to bloom

Signs of spring

The river is always talking to you; it’s just some days you have to listen closer to hear it. This morning, its voice was louder in the wind and rain. The waves beating against the shore sound like the ocean, and that gentle rhythm pulls at something deep inside us.  Go down and listen sometime.

I’ve realized I may very well have picked the very wettest seven days for the Week of Winter Walking.  My friend assures me that rainy-day walking is the best walking, but I think this may be true only if you have better rain gear or a higher tolerance for being wet and cold than I do.  Nonetheless, tomorrow I’m hoping to persuade my husband to walk around downtown New Albany.  This will be easier after we’ve consumed a few beers at the New Albanian Bank Street Brewery!  I love break!

If you want to see more pictures from my river walk, check out my Facebook page, here.

Still taking suggestions for my walk on Thursday, Friday and Saturday…Everyone’s chance to tell me where to go!

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