One Lovely Blog Award

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Thanks so much to Kathmeista at [Insert suitably snappy title here] for giving me this One Lovely Blog Award, my first ever award (that’s something). It coincides nicely with me recently getting to 50-plus (plus by at least 3) followers. Woo-hoo, for me. Who knew blogging could be so much fun, but also sometimes some hard work. Here are the seven blogs I’m passing this award along to. Check them out!

1. Bookbelle, because she’s promised to review The Way of the Pilgrim, a book I’ve been wanting to read ever since I heard about it in Franny and Zooey, but just haven’t gotten to yet.

2.  Peppermint Ph.D., for her sweet picture of her cat, because we Ph.D.’s have to stick together and for acquainting me with the Foodies Reading Challenge.

3.  Wicked Wonderful Words, for her brilliant blog hop in which you can pick the worst simpering females in fiction and for putting Bella Swann at the top of her list.

4. 2606 books and counting, for one of the best blog names ever.  I don’t want to know how many books I have left in me as an American woman in her late thirties!  Is it more or less than 2,606?

5.  Fingers & Prose, for sharing my concerns about packing books for vacation.

6.  Shoes Never Worn, for racking up 50 followers in 50 days, an accomplishment to be envied and aspired to.

7.  Beltwayliterature, for reading some Marx and the best profile picture.


  1. Awweeee!! Thanks, Robyn…Uh-Oh also sends his regards 😉

  2. Robyn: I have my promised review halfway done. Try to sleep tonight in anticipation. ;-0


  3. Oh, and thank you for the award.


  4. Hi Robyn! Thanks for the award! I'm still trudging along through Marx, it's coming along, slowly but surely!

  5. Thank you very much indeed! And I can assure you that, unless you are an incredibly slow reader, you have many more than 2,606 books left to go!

  6. Just saw this–so sweet! Thanks so much. (btw, I did pack too many books…and brought more home with me besides. oh well, better safe than sorry!)

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