Saturday Snapshot: Blue devil anglerfish

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Saturday Snapshot is hosted by Alyce of At Home With Books.   To join in, just post a photo (new or old) but one of your own and add your link to Alyce’s post.

This is a picture of a blue devil anglerfish I knit for my stepdaugther. This pattern is from Hansi Singh’s book, Amigurumi Knits.  It’s also on Ravelry, if you know anyone in your life who is just dying to have a knit anglerfish.  You can also add a parasitc male, which I elected not to for my stepdaughter.  If you’d like to know more about parasitic males and the reproductive cycle of the anglerfish, check out this cartoon, which is hilarious.  I don’t think this is why my stepdaughter picked the anglerfish out of the book when I asked her which animal she wanted.  She named her anglerfish Carl, and I did not feel compelled to point out to her that this was a female anglerfish, because sometimes, you’d just rather not go there.


  1. I love it! I wish I could knit. I tried my hand at crocheting once upon a time but I didn't have the patience for it. Maybe someday I'll try again.

  2. OMG! That poor male anglerfish! But so hilarious – thanks for sharing! Your anglerfish is fantastic – I'm quite sure I couldn't knit something like that. 🙂 Of course that's mostly because I can't knit.

  3. Ahaha that cartoon is too funny!! Beautiful knitting job – she's beautiful 🙂

  4. I can't even believe that you can knit a fish! Seriously? I'm all thumbs and can't knit a scarf even. Could the fish be Carla and not Carl? LOL

  5. Awesome. We totally need to knit these for the LASSes!

  6. I think Carl is wonderful. He is mean, whimsical and fun all at the same time. I'll bet your stepdaughter loves him.

  7. Nice photos. Great job with the knitting! I've tried knititng 3-dimentional objects before and it's not easy. Well done.

  8. I think this should be a photo shoot in Hunter and Angler Magazine.

  9. Too funny! You are a talented knitter!

  10. Too cute! I have no talent 🙂

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