Thanks so much to Jennifer O. over at Lit Endeavors for giving me the Stylish Blog Award. What great company to be in, and check out some of the other blogs she picked here, as well as her great blog.
I always think finding blogs to pass the award along to is going to be hard, but luckily, I’ve been discovering some great blogs lately, not all of them necessarily about books, which is fun. Here’s my list of blogs I deem to be terribly Stylish:
Books, Personally
This blog has a great little feature going right now with guest posters writing about mothers in various young adult books…the first is about the Other Mother in Coraline. What a great idea for Mother’s Day!
The Vivivification of Mrs. Moment
Mrs. Moment joined my Blog In Place hop, for which I am eternally grateful. At her blog, she celebrates stories, and invites folks to contribute and share their own stories on her blog.
Unabridged Chick
We both reviewed Ines of My Soul within like a couple of weeks, and that just seemed like too much of a coincidence to ignore.
Wild Mountain
I love the movie lists at Wild Mountain.
Kittling: Books
You may have already been by Kittling: Books, but if you haven’t, check out her Scene of the Blog, a feature where she posts pictures of various bloggers reading and blogging spaces. I love seeing where some of my favorite bloggers live and work.
My Town Monday
This blog asks folks each Monday to share posts about the town they live in.
Parenting Book by Book
What a great idea! This blog reviews all those parenting books for you, one each week, and lets you know how they worked for her. A great resource for parents.
Newly Vegan
I found this blog through Wordless Wednesday and there are some great pictures of vegan food and cooking (I love food pictures) as well as descriptions of cooking actual vegan recipes and how they turn out.
Past as Prologue
If you’re looking for historical nonfiction recommendations, this is the place to go. I always find such interesting books here, along with great reviews.
Yes, I’m short one. I had in so many words on my list, only to discover that blog already has a Stylish Blog Award. Congrats and nine will just have to do.
And now I get to share seven things about me, which is harder than you think.
1. I just discovered that I love brussel sprouts. Who knew? Roasted in the oven with olive oil they are delicious.
2. I hate honey. My husband takes honey in his tea, and because I love him, I’ll put honey in his tea. But I hate when it gets on my hands. Sticky. Bleh.
3. I just started a new blog hop (shameless plug) called Blog In Place, where you get to answer questions about the place you live, the places you love, the places you’d like to visit, the places you belong. The inaugural question is, What’s the best and worst thing about the place you live?
4. I have to work fairly hard to control my shoe buying. Not fancy and uncomfortable high heel shoes (uncomfortable to me, at least) but comfy, outdoorsy shoes like Keen’s. I don’t actually do a lot of outdoorsy things, but I have the shoes should I ever need to.
5. I’m currently attempting to knit an amigurami tomato. After that, I will be tackling an amigurami angler fish for my stepdaughter, which should I succeed, will be perhaps the coolest thing I’ve ever made.
6. I love being on sabbatical so much that I have no idea how I will ever go back to actually having a job and working.
7. I live about an hour and a half away from where I grew up and where my parents, sister and brother live, and feel that’s almost the exact perfect distance. I might move closer, but never farther away from my family.
Thanks again, Jennifer O.!
Thank you so much! I'm quite flattered — glad we found each other!
I can only imagine how awesome being on sabbatical is — I'm desperate for mine — in a year or so.
and finally, found a pizzeria in NYC (W village) that has a prosciutto/Brussels sprout pizza that's to die for!
Aw, thank you – so flattered! That is just how we eat our brussels sprouts too. Also I hope you will post pictures of an amigurami tomato …. very very curious!
Looking forward to checking out all these other great blogs. Have a wonderful day!
Congratulations on your award. Your blog is lovely. I see you are also a fan of Julia Child (as am I), so I figure your “good people” as well. I've been wanting to read My Life in France for years…before Julie & Julia came out. Loved the movie and, like you, wish it had been all Julia or all Julia and Avis. I'm glad I found your blog.
Congrats on your much-deserved award, Robyn!
Re: Brussels sprouts, I never knew I liked them until my husband prepared them for me, sauteed with olive oil and garlic. Depending on whether we're dining with vegetarian friends or not, he'll toss in some prosciutto, too. I was completely amazed to discover they might be one of my favorite vegetables!
Re: shoe buying. I'm the same. It's the one area where I need to listen more to my preaching about buying local because every time I get an email from Sierra Trading Post, the Keen shoes are the first thing I search for. then Naots, El Naturalistas, Danskos, Birks. I'm clearly not a fashion girl when it comes to shoes, but you can never have too many pairs of the rugged, outdoorsy, uber-comfortable variety!
Audra, yes the sabbatical is the peak of awesomeness. I'm glad we found each other, too. I've seen several recipes that combine brussel sprouts and prosciutto. My husband will have to sample that sometime.
bookpersonally, I finished the tomato today, in time to give it to my mother for Mother's Day. She's quite the gardener and also cans tomatoes for the whole family in the summer. Picture coming.
Grad, glad I found your blog, too. I've been contemplating buying The Art of French Cooking and actually trying some of the recipes, but they sure did seem like a lot of work.
Emily, thanks! Be looking for a package in the mail from me. There's a shore store in Brevard, North Carolina that is like shoe heaven for me. I always assume I'll buy at least one pair of shoes there…this year, it was an adorable pair of purple, leather Mary-Jane style Keens. But we also have a shoe store here in town that sells a few Keen's, so I try to buy some there, too.
Thank you so much for thinking of me and my blog! I am so flattered. Now I just have to think of 7 things about myself that won't bore everyone to tears or get me arrested. 🙂 Thanks again and I appreciate you!
Pam, the things that might get you arrested sound interesting! Tell us those.