Wordless Wednesday

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This is my beautiful bike, which I believe has the magical ability to make people happy, including (and mostly) me.  Post your Wordless Wednesday picture and link up here.


  1. I love this picture! you are right, it did make me smile. I really wanted to see a bottle of wine and a baguette in the basket though =D

  2. oh, I want a magic bike too! 😉

  3. Veddy nice. In keeping with the caption, next week post pictures of your beautiful house.

  4. Lissa, oh there's definitely a bottle of wine in the basket from time to time from our local wine purveyors/apothecary down the street. There's also a woman in town who has a similar bike (though not as beautiful as mine) and is always wearing a beret. It's tres chiche.

    caite, all bikes are magic when ridden with the spirit of childhood.

    Emily, check. Beautiful house next week, though I don't know if it makes folks smile as much as my bike.

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