Madison Monday: Undeniably Indiana

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undeniablyMadisonians and other Hoosiers, here’s your chance to tell your uniquely Indiana story and have it preserved for all time as well as sharing it with a larger audience.

Indiana University Press is celebrating the Indiana bicentennial in 2016 with a book that is as unique as our state. Next year, we will publish Undeniably Indiana, a crowd-sourced book written by the people of Indiana for the state of Indiana. We invite you to share offbeat, interesting, and unusual facts and stories about things that could only happen here. Submissions will be accepted until September 1.

Share your story by posting it to the Undeniably Indiana Facebook page, here, by September 1. If you want to see examples of the kinds stories they’re looking for, check out Gorilla Terrorizes Thorntown and Indiana is…

I know Madison is chocked full of stories, so let’s get writing!


  1. I’m glad it sounds like you might submit! They asked me for a few names and I thought of you right away. I can’t wait to read the finished product. I think it will be a fun book!

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